
any pronouns
Hi there, I'm Kevin aka kfkonrad. I'm a DevOps Engineer running his own little Kubernetes Cluster. I aim to automate infrastructure, remove bottlenecks in Agile processes and make the lives of the software engineers I work with easier. As such I'm mainly writing pipelines, infra-as-code-ing and implementing DevOps principles.

This website is the entryway to my private Kubernetes cluster. Nothing of public interest to see here, I promise.


last-working-dir-fish-pkg Always open new fish shells in your last working directory (i.e. the last directory you cd'd into)
hsklclasses Die inoffiziellen LaTeX-Klassen der Hochschule Kaiserslautern
mathcheat A Latex math sheet
fish-shell The user-friendly command line shell.
starship.toml My three line starship prompt
kfkscript My own little interpreted language without operators